
There’s More to Their Story

Trigger Warning: This article addresses sensitive topics such as suicide, depression, and self-harm.

The story begins in Ethiopia on July 21, 2006, the day Gabriel Chufamo Deely was born. Shortly after, Gabriel was adopted by the Deely family, becoming one of five children. He was a happy and outgoing child, sharing his contagious smile with everyone around him. That was what he was known for: lighting up every room he entered. However, on November 14, 2018, everything went dark for the Deely family.

Gabriel was 12 years old and had just come home from another day of seventh grade. According to his parents, Carol and Brendan Deely, he seemed a bit exhausted, but nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary. When asked if everything was okay, Gabriel simply said he was going up to his room to do his homework. Little did the Deely’s know that would be the last time they would see their son.

In utter shock, the family felt they didn’t see “usual signs” of someone experiencing depression or self-harm. However, following his funeral, more and more dots were connecting. They found out their son was searching for suicide and bullying content on his school device, as well as learned from his peers that he felt bullied and isolated. Their son suffered in silence, offering no indication that he was in pain. As a part of their healing journey, the Deely family started Gabriel’s Light to celebrate Gabriel and prevent youth suicide through resources and education.   

one month isn’t enough

September marks the beginning of Suicide Prevention Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and spreading hope to people affected by suicide. While this month is an opportunity to honor the lives lost to suicide, for Gabriel’s Light, suicide prevention is an ongoing initiative. Driven by its mission to prevent youth suicide through education, cyber safety, and kindness campaigns, the organization has dedicated its efforts to offering free resources to like-minded partners, parents, students, and educators so no one else experiences what the Deely’s did. Their programming captures opportunities for anyone to make a difference. Their team of instructors are therapists, psychiatrists, social workers, and other professionals eager to share life-saving information.


With the firm belief that young people are our future, Gabriel’s Light has tapped into educating young people to make a difference. Rather than letting age become a barrier, Gabriel’s Light saw an opportunity for youth-to-youth involvement. Through its Youth Ambassadors Program, tweens and teens are able to contribute to a cause they are passionate about. There are various sessions to be involved with throughout the program, from creating social media campaigns promoting kindness to fundraising to further the education of preventing youth suicide. No matter the session they choose to follow, it is an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals to generate a change within their own generation.


Whether you’re a parent, teacher, coach, or friend, adults play a significant role in the lives of youth. Gabriel’s Light offers training programs designed for adults to learn how they can reduce the risk of youth suicide and support kids in need. One of the most impactful adult programs is the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) program. This training session, which was brought to the United States by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, teaches adults how they could help someone experiencing suicidal thoughts. Topics during this session include how to identify and respond to signs of mental health and substance abuse challenges and how to provide help and guide a person toward appropriate care.


Gabriel’s Light is able to offer all of their resources and programming to schools and other partners for free because of the impact of their fundraising efforts. Change is made because others have stepped up. Ultimately, Gabriel’s Light wants to reach as many people as they can, especially young people. While they seek corporate partnerships and volunteers to raise money, they encourage anyone of all ages to fundraise. For Gabriel’s Light, fundraising is more than reaching a financial goal, but rather reaching a life-saving goal.


As of July 21, 2024, Gabriel would have been 18 years old. He would have entered his final year of high school, walked across a stage to receive his first diploma, and entered a new chapter in his life as a young adult. However, that is not how this story unfolds. Gabriel’s Light may have been dimmed on that dark day in November, but he is still shining through others today. Gabriel’s presence is a glimmer in the dark, guiding those impacted by youth suicide to a brighter future.