
Opportunity Is Out There


In the heart of communities across the globe, there are stories of resilience and hope that often go unheard. These are the stories of refugees who have come from various corners of the world seeking safety, freedom, and a chance for a new beginning. Unfortunately, the reality many face is far from the sanctuary they seek.

Imagine this scenario: You are a parent with two children living in a country consumed with violence and civil war. You and your family have been in a refugee camp for almost 10 years, waiting for a glimmer of hope to go anywhere that is safe. Part of that hope was to find a place that could medically assist your partner who is suffering from hearing loss. An option for safety arose, bringing faith and security to your family, but the opportunity fell through. This kind of mental torment is not unique. And this is where Exodus Refugee comes in. With offices in both Indianapolis and Bloomington, Exodus Refugee is determined to protect the human rights of refugee families and other humanitarian immigrants whose stories are just like this.


According to the United Nations, stories like the one outlined above are just one out of the 29.4 million experiences that displaced individuals and families battle every day. While each refugee’s story is unique to them, the root issues remain the same. Exodus Refugee not only recognizes the trials these individuals and families face prior to their arrival but the challenges that arise once they make it to the United States.

Ranging from disorientation and insecurity to culture shock and grief, arriving in a new country is not an easy process. Through their various programs, Exodus Refugee ensures that the basic needs of each refugee are met upon arrival. Understanding that the work doesn’t stop once the refugees arrive, they continue to serve them for up to 5 years after their arrival through a variety of programming designed to make the transition process easier. Below we outline the key programming they offer to set their clients up for success


The first 90 days after a refugee’s arrival to any new country are critical to their process in resettling and building a foundation for their new life. With the assistance of volunteers, Exodus Refugee is able to provide their clients with the necessary items to meet their immediate needs. This can include anything from housing, food, clothing, and furnishings to interpreters, case-management services, and transportation. Through this program, the ultimate goal is to ensure that each client has what they need to be successful in building their new life in the Central Indiana area.


Part of building a new life involves sustaining self-sufficiency, a vital process during a refugee’s journey to success. Exodus Refugee’s employment services introduce their clients to the U.S. workplace culture, facilitate resume and interview workshopping, create employment goals and skills, and so much more.


Exodus Refugee’s Language, Cultural Orientation, and Readiness for Employment (LCORE) class is structured to teach their clients vital English language skills that will assist them as they adjust to their new lives in the U.S. This program also encourages relationship development so clients can create their own community with one another, so they don’t have to navigate this new chapter alone. Clients are able to test into an English level that accommodates their current knowledge of the English language. Additionally, they also assist with financial literacy, budgeting, and more.  


Given the journey refugees have gone through prior to their arrival to the U.S., Exodus Refugee aims to respond to any mental health concerns their clients may have. Through their program that is linguistically appropriate and culturally sensitive, various sessions are provided to ensure each client is in a comfortable spot with their mental wellbeing, as well as refer them to other providers if necessary.


These programs are tailored to fulfill the needs of both women and children. Women and youth are typically most affected, so Exodus Refugee developed programming to help ease the transition of each client. The Women’s Program aims to build confidence and empowerment through self-sufficiency. Their Women’s Sewing Circle brings together individuals who might otherwise feel isolated and provides them a community to bond with while learning the art of sewing. This program also helps with providing case management to expecting mothers and the ever-important dispersal of diapers. The Youth Program is a transformative experience that will ensure each child smoothly transitions into their new life in the U.S. Focused on education and integration, Exodus Refugee offers tools that will orient each child towards success. They are able to assist families enroll their children into schools, provide them with necessary learning materials, and host regular events with children and their volunteer mentors, including going to the Indiana State Fair.  


For almost 45 years, Exodus Refugee has welcomed refugees and asylees from countries all over the world into Indiana. Within the last calendar year, they have served 3397 individuals and continue to serve more each year. We admire Exodus Refugee’s commitment to embracing humanity. What started as hardship ended in a new life because Exodus Refugee saw the potential in offering opportunity for those seeking a new safe haven. To celebrate all they have accomplished, they host their annual Celebrate the Life Ahead Gala to bring together everyone involved in the various success stories that have unfolded. Held at the end of August, donors, volunteers, clients, and advocates come together to witness the change they created in Central Indiana. We encourage you to get involved and attend.